Meet The Team

Here at Southpaw we have a team of instructors to support all of your goals. From professional boxing coaches to fitness coaches and even strength and conditioning coaches. We really do have the team you would want in your corner! Take a look below to learn a bit more about the guys.



Ryan Rhodes our Head Coach, British & European Champ. Funny fact about Ryan, he thinks he is the boss but we all know he isn't.

A challenge for you all see count how many times he says EASY WORK BABY in your session!



Have you ever been Willied? Our Strength and conditioning legend. When it comes to training he knows how to work you hard, get results and perform. He trained our Ryan Rhodes after all, who got to his peak condition under Willie's supervision. Always remember where there is Will there is a way.

Steve B.

Steve B

Always in your corner, Stevie B. Boxing coach, who will put you through your paces and ensuring you are putting everything into those punches. Steve's sessions require you to dig deep, but don't worry he will keep you fighting so you don't give up.



Who runs the world the girls. Hollie is one badass strong woman who not only is tears up the football pitch when playing, she is experienced coach who is passionate about helping people be the best version of themselves. Just to warn you when Hollie shouts "COME ON" in a session you better dig deep!

Steve N

Steve N

Lock up your daughters, Steve is here! This cheeky chap is always in the gym, eating the food and having the crack, but when he is training you he will be using his charm to give you an absolute beasting in your sessions.

Steve Netts Specialises In
  • 1 2 1 Boxing Technique
  • Fitness
  • Group Sessions
  • Contact Steve on 07739 048 538
  • Instagram: @netts97


The orange man is here. There isn't much that Paddy hasn't been there and done in this fitness industry. His passion is not only pushing you guys to get the best result but also training our amateurs to be the best they can be. Not only is Paddy one hardcore trainer, he sure can spit some bars.



She didn't play the game, she changed the game. Ain't no class quite like Shona's class. Shona is one of our most accomplished coaches in the fitness industry, putting people through their paces to get the most out of their session. When Shona says SPRINT you better spin those legs as fast as you can!